Custom Meat Options for 2025

Posted by Desiree Nelson on Feb 19th 2025

Custom Meat Options for 2025

I want to get you on a list for custom products that you are interested in!  So that you will not miss information going out on ordering and pricing.  This year for some products it will be important to pre-order early to insure you get the product you want.


Like each year since we started, we will be offering custom halves and whole pigs!  We are also doubling the number of pigs we are raising this year to offer more retail pork, hopefully through more of the year.  But, you will still want to sign-up below if you are interested in a half or whole pig.  Most all info on custom pork will go out in those specific emails, rather than hounding you in my weekly update emails.  


Back this year is whole turkeys!  Our son Cooper is starting his own business enterprise and raising turkeys for our customers.  We raised turkeys on pasture in the past, from 2013-2017.  Looking back in 2013, I had Cooper in the spring, we raised turkeys, rabbits and goats in addition to our laying hens, broilers and pigs.  It was a lot.  We soon realized we were doing too much.  In order to grow our production, we needed to do less better.  So turkeys was one of the smallest enterprises and we cut them out in the 2018 season.


Turkeys in 2013


We ended up free ranging the turkeys in 2013 to save time of setting up and moving poultry electric fence.  And we didn't have enough fence either for laying hens and turkeys.  


Young Cooper in 2014, the beginnings of a poultry enthusiast.  


And this will be our first year offering our custom grass-fed beef.  We only have 1 steer to sell custom as quarters or halves.  A very limited amount.  We have 2 cows and their calves on the farm.  Their main task is to keep the grass short for all the chickens and utilize the grasses and pastures in a regenerative way.  The beef we have produced has been for our family prior to this.  But we are getting to where we will have a limited amount of custom beef available each year.  It will be important to be on this email list since we can only sell 4 quarters or 2 halves or a combination to equal 1 whole beef.  I will only be selling beef off the interested email list, it will not be public in our online store due to our limited quantity.  


 Earl is the steer we will be harvesting Fall of 2025, he is right in the middle between our 2 cows.  Yes our kids name our cattle, and we often refer to their name when at the dinner table.  The animals serve us and our land well.